Purchasing and Surplus

Take advantage of the power of volume pricing through the U.S. Communities Program. And, when your county is ready to dispose of surplus equipment, explore disposing of these items through GovDeals. These programs offer competitive pricing as a result of relationships with ACCG.

For more information on any of these programs, contact:

Brent Williams, Customer Relations Director
Phone: 404.522.5022
Email: [email protected]

U.S. Communities Purchasing Program


Local governments interested in saving substantial amounts of money on commodities purchases have an ally in the U.S. Communities Government Purchasing Alliance. The Alliance was formed in 1996 to provide publicly-solicited government contracts to all local and state agencies and non-profit organizations in the United States. By combining the buying power of the 87,000 local governments in America, the program is able to achieve substantial pricing discounts, implement best purchasing practices and offer substantial benefits to all levels of government. U.S. Communities also has a special program for counties interested in purchasing environmentally friendly products.

For more information, contact:

Tyler McCall
U.S. Communities
Phone: 704.776.3193
Email: [email protected]

GovDeals: Liquidating Surplus Electronically


When your county is looking to dispose of surplus property, consider GovDeals as an important resource right at your fingertips. GovDeals is an online auction service provided for government entities throughout the United States. Similar to a private citizen utilizing eBay to sell items for profit, GovDeals allows governments to bid off their surplus equipment, furniture and supplies online. ACCG recognized the many benefits of an online approach to auctioning and GovDeals became a preferred partner with ACCG in 2006. Since that time, over 60 Georgia counties have used GovDeals, selling over 2,500 items ranging from scrap metal to helicopters and collecting over $7 million dollars in revenue from the sale of surplus.

How It Works

The process is simple and cost effective as there is no required purchase of software. As soon as an item is declared surplus, county government staff can simply upload a digital photo and description of the item on GovDeals.com and establish a bidding period. To alleviate concern about the use of technology for online auctions, GovDeals will even train county government employees on how to use the service. Trainers will explain the entire process from taking digital photos to monitoring bids.

Advantages to Using GovDeals

  • Only government entities may sell on GovDeals
  • Governments are only charged for items sold
  • Anyone may buy items listed
  • Benefits governments large and small
  • Over 150,000 users registered in the nation and abroad
  • Allows counties to transcend local and regional markets
  • Reduce or eliminate storage, transportation and insurance costs
  • Bidders can inspect online saving them time and money
  • Easy to learn and use
  • Items can be sold immediately thereby avoiding depreciation
  • Designed for governments
  • Secure and redundant system with audit trail
  • Extensive record retention and reporting

For more information, contact:

Christy Logan, Manager
Phone: 334.387.0476
Email: [email protected]