Grant Opportunities
FY 2025 Local Maintenance & Improvement Grants (LMIG) Program
The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) is currently accepting applications for the Fiscal Year 2025 LMIG Program. Counties must apply for the Fiscal Year 2025 LMIG Grant before the February 1, 2025, deadline.
Grants are processed electronically through GDOT'S GRANTS (LMIG) Application System. The GRANTS (LMIG) website provides a link to the LMIG Application, the LMIG Application Tutorial (Manual), and the General Guidelines. To begin a FY 2025 LMIG Application, please click here.
For an application to be processed, the following requirements must be met:
- A local government must be in audit compliance with the Department of Audits and Accounts (DOAA) and Department of Community Affairs (DCA).
- A signed cover letter must be attached and include a completion status of the last three fiscal years’ LMIG Grants.
- A signature page must include both the local government seal and the notary seal. The application website provides a blank signature page for you to download, complete and upload as an attachment.
- A local government must provide their District State Aid Coordinator with a Statement of Financial Expenditures form and invoices for Fiscal Year 2022 projects and all other prior years unless previously approved to combine funding for Fiscal Years 2022, 2023, and 2024. The forms can be attached in the LMIG Application System if they have not already been provided to your District State Aid Coordinator.
If counties have any questions regarding the LMIG Program, they are encouraged to contact their District State Aid Coordinator with any questions regarding the LMIG Program or GDOT's Local Grants Office in Atlanta (Fulton County) by either calling (404) 347-0240 or emailing [email protected]. Contact information for District State Aid Coordinators is included below.
DISTRICT COORDINATOR PHONE NUMBER District One – Gainesville Charles (Skip) Arnhart (770) 519-0118 District Two – Tennille Matthew Sammons (478) 553-3383 District Three – Thomaston Brandy Spillers (706) 646-7505 District Four – Tifton Dennis Carter (229) 391-5438 District Five – Jesup Jeremy Barwick (912) 530-4396 District Six – Cartersville Joseph Ciavarro (678) 721-5293 District Seven – Chamblee Chartrae (Trae) Kent (770) 216-3880 |
Land & Water Conservation Fund
The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) grant cycle is now open and accepting pre-applications for fiscal year 2024-2025. The LWCF Program is a federal program authorized by Congress for the purpose of acquiring federal lands and assisting states and local governments with funds to acquire lands and develop and renovate outdoor recreation facilities.
For more information click here.
Local Government Scrap Tire Abatement Reimbursment
The Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) is committed to cleaning up scrap tires in Georgia and encourages local governments to assist with this effort by applying to the Local Government Scrap Tire Abatement Reimbursement (STAR) Grant.
Local governments, which includes cities, counties, and solid waste management authorities, are eligible for this grant that covers the costs of removing, transporting, and processing scrap tires cleaned up from local government led abatement projects (scrap tire dumps), removed from city and county rights-of-way, and collected during scrap tire collection (amnesty) events. The STAR Grant is open for applications year-round and eligible applicants may receive up to $75,000 each state fiscal year.
Rural Workforce Housing Initiative Construction Loan
Local governments can now apply for a Rural Workforce Housing Initiative Construction Loan Fund. The Fund provides construction loans of up to $1 million at 0% to develop new homes with a sale price of between $125,000 - $290,000 for homebuyers. Funds are available to cover 40% of the development cost, with the remaining budget provided through other fund sources. Funds will be awarded to developments that can have the homes ready for sale within two years of the loan award date.
Program details can be found on the DCA website here.
2026 Highway Safety Grant - Request for Proposals
The Governor’s Office of Highway Safety will begin taking applications for National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) grants in January. Grant Applications must be submitted via the GOHS grant management system no later than 11:59 p.m. Monday, March 3, 2025.
Click here to view the request for Highway Safety Grant Proposals for FY2026.
GEFA 2025 Call for Projects Window Now Open
The Georgia Environmental Finance Authority (GEFA) 2025 Call for Projects for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF), Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF), and Georgia Fund is now open. The CWSRF and DWSRF can fund a wide variety of water infrastructure projects to protect water quality and improve public health. The Georgia Fund has similar eligibility requirements as the CWSRF and DWSRF; but is also focused on economic development projects, projects that cannot meet federal requirements, and/or projects that cannot be financed through the CWSRF and DWSRF. To be eligible for funding, applicants must submit a pre-application online by 5:00 p.m. on March 31, 2025. Do not submit more than one pre-application for the same project.
For more information on the funding opportunities, click here.
Local Governments’ Wildfire Response Pilot Program
The Department of the Interior announced that over $20 million is available through President Biden’s Investing in America agenda to strengthen local governments’ wildfire response by converting vehicles to wildland fire engines. This pilot program, launched in February, is helping small, remote emergency response agencies quickly expand their wildfire response capacity as they continue to face the devastating impacts of climate change, drought and intensifying wildfires. This funding can be used by local governments that provide emergency services to areas with a population of 50,000 or less to purchase slip-on tanker units, which allow them to quickly convert trucks and other vehicles to be operated as wildland fire engines. In September, the Department awarded nearly $1.3 million to an initial 21 local emergency response agencies.
Grant amounts will range from $10,000 to $500,000. Applications must be submitted through by February 26, 2025.